Ovosezonski trend 'sportski chic' na stranicama novog Ellea
Novi broj hrvatskog Ellea za svibanj donosi editorial s jednom od ključnih tema ovog proljeća. Sportski komadi ove sezone igraju itekako veliku ulogu u casual odjevnim kombinacijama, a stilistica Doris Fatur donosi upravo jednu takvu modnu priču s dizajnerskim komadima Givenchy, Alexander Wang, Balenciaga, Rick Owens i drugima. Oni se savršeno nadovezuju na sportske brendove i komade adidas, što pokazuje da i oni itekako mogu biti u službi mode. U glavnoj ulozi je model Mia Farac (Sonic models), make-up potpisuje Simona Antonović, kosu Ante Pažanin (Glamour), a fotografije Jakov Baričić koji je lani osvojio 2. mjesto na Elle Fashion Photo Talent natječaju.

This season's trend 'sporty chic' editorial in the new Elle magazine.
New Issue of Croatian Elle for May brings us editorial with one of the key themes for this spring. Sporty pieces of clothes this season are playing an immense role in casual clothing combinations, and stylist Doris Fatur delivers exactly such a fashion story with designer pieces like Givenchy, Alexander Wang, Balenciaga, Rick Owens and others. They are a perfect extension to the sports brands Adidas and such, which shows that they really can be in service mode. The model is Mia Farac (Sonic models), make-up by Simon Antonović, hair Anthony Pažanin (Glamour), and photographer Jacob Baričić who has won second place at the Elle Fashion Photo Talent contest.

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